Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Sesquicentennial Special Award 2008.
- 1. Period of activity: 01 January 2008 to 31 December 2008. UTC timings.
- 2. Whom to work : All interested in the award must work Indian amateur radio stations with prefixes like VU2, VU3 etc., from the Mainland or the islands like Andaman, Nicobar, Lakshadweep, and Coastal Groups.. QSO with calls like VU/DL7AB is not acceptable. Contacts with the Special event stations with AT,AU, etc prefixes with common suffix “JCB”, should be your aim to achieve the award.
- 3. Modes: All modes CW, AM, FM, SSB, RTTY, PSK-31 etc may be used.
- 4. Single or Mixed mode entries are accepted and duly endorsed.
- 5. Bands: all bands from 1.8 to 29.7 MHz including WARC bands, accepted.
- 6. Conditions:
- 6.1 For VU and 4S7 amateurs: From the VU QSOs, you have to form the name “JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE”, by taking the first alphabet from the suffixes of the stations worked.
- 6.2 Example: If you have worked, say, VU2ACS, VU3ITI, VU3JHM, VU2EN, VU2QNY, AT0U, etc, then, only the underlined way of picking the alphabets is correct. The last two calls worked, do not give any useful alphabet.
- 6.3 In all, you need a minimum of 19 QSOs with VUs with a break up of first alphabets of suffix, like A-4, B-1, C-1, D-2, E-1, G-1, H-2, I-1, J-1, N-1, O-1, R-1 and S-2 .
- 7. For DX amateurs: You have to form the name “J C BOSE” from the last alphabets of the suffixes.
- 7.1 Example: If you have worked stations like VU2ACS, VU2ELJ, VU2OO etc.,, the underlined alphabets are useful.
- 7.2 You need a minimum of 6 QSOs with a break up listing of the last alphabets in the suffixs like B-1, C-1,E-1, J-1, O-1, S-1.
- 8 All (VU, 4S7 and DX) MUST have at least one QSO with a Special event station with “JCB” suffix, from among the many Special event stations with “JCB” in their suffix planned, in November 2008.
- This QSO can be used as a JOKER for any missing alphabet in 19 or 6 QSOs required as per clauses 6.3 and 7.2
- 9 For all (VU, 4S7 and DX), if they have worked five special event stations, during the year 2008 with suffix “JCB”. then the condition of forming the name is not required.
- 10 General Certification Rules (GCR) apply. Two amateurs or a club official has to countersign your application for the Special award.
- 11 Fees: 5 new IRCs (expiring in Dec 2009 or 2012) for DX operators and INR 75 for the Indian amateurs
- 12 All the applications should be sent to the Awards Manager of ARSI, B.L.Manohar Arasu VU2UR, MIG-6, 80 Feet Road, Kengeri Upanagara, BANGALORE 560060, INDIA.
- 13 Dead line is 31.January 2009
- Good luck, 73